sobota, 15 listopada 2014

O STR na nowozelandzkiej stronie rowerowej

 Z trójką rowerzystów z Nowej Zelandii Joe, Gail i Gregiem spotkaliśmy się podczas wyprawy "Nad pięknym modrym Dunajem" na Węgrzech. Pamiętali o tym spotkaniu i zamieścili o nas notkę oraz zdjęcie na swojej stronie,
 link do ich strony tutaj

Our group of Polish friends. We swapped blog addresses, too.
If you're having a great day and you want to make it better, then just run into a group of Polish touring cyclists. We had seen this group of 14 ride past when we were having coffee and I lamented that we never got the chance to have a chat. About 5km up the road we came upon them having a break. They were on a week's tour from Budapest to Vienna and on to somewhere in Slovakia. They were camping each night. The group rides together each weekend and goes on a 1-week tour each year. They were a really open group of people, very warm and welcoming, and obviously lots of fun.

Joel, Gail and Greg
 -  We wisch jou more wondreful trips! Best regards, cyclists from STR Milanówek.

2 komentarze:

  1. A ten w czerwonej koszulce z czerwonym rowerem to taki dodatek, miejscowy Węgier

  2. Adam, what a lovely surprise to receive your email. Thank you for the link to your blog; I enjoyed the photos but wish I knew Polish so I could read it as well. Who knows? Maybe one summer we will get in touch and join your group on your tour.

    Joe, Gail and Greg
